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About us

Çelikoğlu Iron and Steel Corporation was established in Karabük which is the home town of iron and steel production. Our company serves in iron and steel sector and continuous its operation by following the standards and not leaving the quality ideologies. Our factory is located 50.000 m² area of which 25.000 m² is closed.

As CELİKRAY, we have 5.000 tons of elevator rail production capacity  monthly and 120.000 hot rolling capacity annually. We export our products to more than 30 countries in all over the world for the time being. In 1998 the company has started to direct its specialization in steel sector and experienced staff to the elevator rail production. The brand name of ÇELİKRAY has become well-known in Turkish elevator sector in a few years.

Our company supplies qualified products to the elevator sector and has started exporting since 2001.In order to reach the customers and aimed groups in the domestic  market and sell our products we need to set more close relation with our aimed groups. Domestic and international customer pleasure are seen as the guarantee of the following investments. We continue doing research and development activities to analyze the instruments for reaching our custom-ers and to find out new customers by conducting market analyzes.




To present optimum solutions for the clients by understanding customer needs and expectations through our wide sales network and wide product portfolio. To be a company see-ing customer satisfaction as first priority and acting in world standards being concious of ethical values and responsibilities. To be the best in iron-steel sector in national&interna-
tional level by developing itself continuously. To be a perfect brand in elevator rail production with its high technology, dynamic and experienced staff, customer oriented approach.

To be a respectable company who serves reliable, widespread and with the same quality both in Turkey and in the all over the world by accepting human resources active and the 
most important value. To be a company which continuously creates difference, values and advantage for its clients who are always happy to deal with

ÇELİKRAY has been supplying qualified products in the domestic market since its established. By 2001, the company has started exporting to use its power potential in the inter-national market. In a short time the company gained positive developments since then the company has been trying to increase its exporting and supply positive effects to the state economy. We want to become an international corporation, increase our turnover and profit and make well known our brand name in the world by writing ‘’Made in Turkey’’ on our products. We will supply working opportunities to the people in our country and make new investments for the development of our company. We will increase exporting amount so that foreign currency will come more to our country. We will follow all the new technological and management system that are conducted in the World. We will become a world brand by exporting its products all over the world.





Company Tag
Company Establishment Date:1993
Number of Employees:1-300
Trade volume:50 milyon dolar
Production Capacity / Year:120 bin ton
Production Export Ratio %:30
Place of Shipment: Karabük
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